On Chescaleigh and Lena Dunham. It’s Not Only About Choosing Your Battles But Also Your Weapons.
March 20, 2014(screenshot via Franchesca.net)
Chescaleigh as Lady Gaga. For the Tumblr Obsessed.
September 19, 2013> The latest video from Chescaleigh speaks to all of us who keep reloading that Tumblr dashboard.
Rock the Vote. Vote for Franchesca Ramsey aka Chescaleigh.
September 9, 2013Comedian, vlogger, writer, natural hair guru and all-around awesome lady Franchesca Ramsey, aka Chescaleigh is in the running to be…
Happy Friday. Brought to You by “Britney Spears”
August 9, 2013Well…sort of of. Video blogger, comedian, and natural hair enthusiast Chescaleigh brings us an even funnier follow-up to her hilarious…