Gabourey Sidibe’s Treatment is Proof that Black Women Need Fat Acceptance Too.
January 14, 2014Because not liking her dress and not liking her body are not the same thing.
hashtags. #MillennialsofColor. Why Millennials Aren’t Just a Bunch of Whiny, Over-Privileged, Babies. In 140 Characters or Less.
December 2, 2013Started by the amazing @blackamazon, #millennialsofcolor shines a light on institutional racism, representation, and cultural inequality and completely obliterates the…
10 of Our Favorite Twitter Bios.
October 7, 2013According the New York Times, the best Twitter bios are either no bio at all, or a short, succinct, poetic…
Tweets of the Day. Love Advice from Kola Boof.
August 27, 2013As a result of her passion, her take-no-prisoners attitude and her tendency to espouse the hardest and deepest of truths…
Prince Has Joined Twitter. Sort of.
August 14, 2013The music icon who most might describe as, well, a bit a of a luddite has started posting on twitter…
Intersectionality in under 140 Characters.
August 12, 2013#solidarityisforwhitewomen, is the latest twitter hashtag which has been causing quite a stir and has officially gone global. I never…
tweets of the day.
August 1, 2013so clearly I need to do a "Britney Spears" covers album. song requests? — Franchesca Ramsey (@chescaleigh) August 1, 2013