Beautiful British actress Nathalie Emmanuel recently featured in a sultry, sweet, spread for GQ’s April 2015 Issue. In the accompanying interview, the rapidly rising star revealed how she relates to her Game of Thrones character Missandei.
“I feel like if she was to have any weapon,” the English actress muses, “it would be a bow and arrow. She’s so mathematical and particular and still. But from what I understand from my research on Missandei and the people of Naath…”
image credit: GQ/David Burton.
acompanhei a temporada Online de Game of Thrones em que aparece a personagem dessa Linda atriz Morena a Nathalie e fiquei encantado pela beleza e delicadeza dessa atriz! torço e espero que a Nathalie faça muito Sucesso no Cinema Americano e desejo toda a felicidade do mundo para ela!!