Some of us called them “bobo’s”, I called them “bubbles,” but Urban Outfitters is calling them “Maya’s Marble Ponytail Holder” and is selling them for $8.00 a piece. While this definitely isn’t UO’s first foray into eyebrow-raising prices and cultural appropriation, this seriously overpriced ponytail holder definitely struck a cord with Twitter last night, and inspired one of the funniest hashtags I’ve seen in a while — #UrbanOutfittersBeLike, and it’s still going strong.
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike locally grown Coachella 'face gems'
(no really, this actually happened) pic.twitter.com/PNvdUrEm5r
— Jonathan Frandzone (@NotAllBhas) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike 6-piece designer food storage set (microwave safe) $43.89 pic.twitter.com/8aTzvrDPba
— Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike professional hair styling and flyaway taming kit – $89.95 pic.twitter.com/yPrf9hcHZG
— Bria Hunter (@briamazing) June 26, 2015
bohemian cookie decorated sewing equipment holder
$55.99 pic.twitter.com/KkVXGrlPzy
— 陈怡蓉 (@TAMMYMAMl) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike new Ready & Go Touch Up Iron $250 pic.twitter.com/2OdCGywSL5
— t4l (@SamAlvee) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike New Skinnè Combè $15.90 pic.twitter.com/bGiHOLdKAx
— nysah (@mona_nysah) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike Amazing pair of "Chancletas" which can be used to the beach or to hit your child. $45 pic.twitter.com/3hvMkI8j4t
— YG ✨ (@Yarini09) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersbelike Enchanted moccasins imbued with the souls of 1000 barbecue gods. $299.99 pic.twitter.com/NLngnylVjw
— Sean Doe (@FieldhandBlues) June 26, 2015
#UrbanOutfittersBeLike "Hand-Sewn Indonesian Summer Solstice Hair Beanie" Retail Price: $179.99. pic.twitter.com/AZ43lwhlRO
— Petty La'Belle. (@RukaTrue_) June 26, 2015