Following the success of NBC’s 2013 production of The Sound of Music, and despite the low ratings for the subsequent live production of Peter Pan in 2014, it doesn’t look like the network will be abandoning live musicals anytime soon.
The network recently confirmed The Music Man, but Deadline reports that NBC will also be airing a live version of popular 70’s play and movie The Wiz.
…this morning at the TCA press tour Greenblatt said the network also has closed a rights deal for The Wizard Of Oz-themed The Wiz. I’ve learned that that live musical too will be shepherded by Zadan and Meron.
The decision was likely made due to the rise in successful television shows aimed at a black audience. I’m hoping that the casting in this production isn’t a disaster.
[…] since news broke that NBC’s next live production would be a revival of the classic African American production […]