Opportunities. Film Africa and Project Runway.

Project Runway Casting

nollywood film africa contest

This November FILM AFRICA is planning a series of film screenings and events to celebrate 21 years of Nollywood.

We’re also compiling a free ‘zine that shares stories about, and insights into, the last 21 years of Nigerian video film. We are looking especially for texts discussing Nollywood consumption + production in the UK. No money, I’m afraid, but plenty of glory.

Your contributions to the ‘zine can be:
– personal (eg, “Why I Love Funke Akindele”)

– conversational

– interview-based

– research-based

– visual

– or even (slash) fictional.

All contributions should be accessible to an (intelligent) non-academic audience.


Proposal submissions by Friday, 30 August 2013 (send a paragraph summary only)

Deadline for final copy: 30 September 2013

Word limit: 300 – 1200 words

For more info, please email Phoenxi Fry on info@cinema-forever.co.uk