#solidarityisforwhitewomen, is the latest twitter hashtag which has been causing quite a stir and has officially gone global. I never thought it would be possible to identify the absence of intersectionality in feminism in such a concise manner, but literally thousands of twitter users have managed to do just that. Here are some of the most poignant tweets:
If your feminism excludes WOC on grounds that theirs aren't "your issues", don't get mad at #solidarityisforwhitewomen
— Rad-Femme Lawyer. (@femme_esq) August 12, 2013
#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen when convos about gender pay gap ignore that white women earn higher wages than black, Latino and Native men.
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) August 12, 2013
#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen means Rihanna has a responsibility but Miley is just experimenting
— Sydette (@Blackamazon) August 12, 2013
#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen means criticizing Beyonce for wearing onesies while applauding Lena Dunham for going topless.
— Cabbage Patch Ninja. (@thewayoftheid) August 12, 2013
Women of Color are always seen as beautiful for our race, but White Women are beautiful as is, no questions asked #solidarityisforwhitewomen
— D. Artis (@scorchtheground) August 12, 2013