Back in March, BBC announced a planned Whitney Houston documentary titled Whitney, to be directed by Nick Broomfield (Sarah Palin: You Betcha!, Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer, Kurt & Courtney). According to a statement released by the media giant, Whitney will go “in search of the forces that made and then destroyed the singer who has been described as having one of the greatest voices of the last 50 years.”
Soon after the news broke, Houston’s family released a statement of their own, maintaining that they would have “no involvement” in Whitney.
According to Variety, Academy Award winner Kevin Macdonald has been tapped to direct another Whitney Houston documentary, with the blessing of the late singer’s family. The new project will feature an exclusive interview with Arista Records founder Clive Davis, who played a major part in Houston’s early success. Macdonald will also “have access to never-before-seen footage of Whitney,” as well as “three decades of her music including exclusive demo recordings, rare performances and audio archive.”
[…] a previous BBC project of the same name, which was condemned by Houston’s surviving family member’s, Whitney […]