As a result of her passion, her take-no-prisoners attitude and her tendency to espouse the hardest and deepest of truths about race and gender,Kola Boof is a rather contentious figure in Twitterland. Here are her 4 tips to help you snag a quality man. Follow her on twitter at @KolaBoof. She also share some great recipes.
#1–When you start dating a Man, DO NOT let him spend any money on you for the 1st 2 months. Make a picnic basket, go to park, beach.
— KOLA BOOF (Official) (@KolaBoof) August 27, 2013
#2–When you start dating a man, tell him you are NOT available. You can be friends. But you don't want a boyfriend.
— KOLA BOOF (Official) (@KolaBoof) August 27, 2013
#3–Do not put out. Not unless you're not serious about him. If you want him…then do not put out. Only hint & talk about sex. TEASE.
— KOLA BOOF (Official) (@KolaBoof) August 27, 2013
#4–If he's dating other women at the same time…IGNORE IT. Just do your steps. He will let you know if you're winning. Friendship is GOLD
— KOLA BOOF (Official) (@KolaBoof) August 27, 2013