Zanele Muholi is a visual artist and activist doing some powerful work that documents the lives of LGBTQI folks in her country of birth, South Africa. Brought to you by the Human Rights Watch, the video highlights Muholi’s work and the culture of “curative” rape and hate crimes that’s pervasive in certain townships in South Africa. Watch the video below the learn more about Muholi’s work and the courgeous community she’s trying to build up through her work.
Zanele Muholi is a visual artist and activist doing some powerful work that documents the lives of LGBTQI folks in her country of birth, South Africa. Brought to you by the Human Rights Watch, the video highlights Muholi’s work and the culture of “curative” rape and hate crimes that’s pervasive in certain townships in South Africa. Watch the video below the learn more about Muholi’s work and the courgeous community she’s trying to build up through her work.