In this short documentary by filmmaker Emani Alyce explores the small world of black-owned beauty supply stores in Oakland, California.
While black hair and beauty is big business, most of the profits end up in the hands of people from outside of African American communities. The influx of Korean-owned beauty supply stores, which started in the 1970s, has been an ongoing source of tension between the two groups. Over the years, many activists and organizers have even called for boycotts and launched campaigns to support black-owned beauty supply stores.
In “Black Owned Beauty” we meet Abdillahi Gaama, a Ghanaian immigrant, and Annie Johnson, both beauty supply store owners. We also meet Efiya Asabi, the owner of IYOBA Body Essentials, a line of haircare and beauty products. Each entrepreneur touches on the massive racial disparities in a sector of the beauty industry that focuses almost exclusively on black consumers.
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