Watch this. Hip Hop Giving Hope to Dancers Around The World

Shake The Dust Uganda Documentary

“Shake the Dust” is a feature documentary that tells the stories of break dancers from conflicted “third- world” communities around the globe who, although separated by cultural boundaries and individual struggles, are intrinsically tied to one another through their passion for dance and hip-hop culture.

“Hip Hop is an expression.”

“Hip Hop gives us a sense of ownership.”

“Hip Hop is a community.”

“Hip Hop in the beginning was about fighting the power, letting your voice be heard, letting people understand about your struggles….”

“We’re not running after fame and fortune, we’re running after change.”

“..but for me the language of my heart is hip hop.”

The documentary hits a limited selection of theaters in the U.S. on June 5th, check your local listings.

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