Web Series. ‘The Expats’ Explores the Lives of Afro-Italians Living in America.

Sara Ahimin

Created by filmmaker and writer Johanne Affricot and produced by GRIOT, “The Expats” is a new web series that takes a closer look at the lives of Black Italian expats who chose to relocate to the United States.

Each story focuses on a particular journey linking each expat to the path their own family took at some point in history. Discovering their new lives, work, being Italian in a foreign country and in Italy, of recognising and rejecting identities, of racism, of love for and delusion with their own country, ideas on music, art, and creativity.

In the first episode of “The Expats” we meet Sarah Ahimin, a DJ and musician from Milan, who is currently living in New York City. Ahimin admits that she still wants to explore the rest of the United States, but says that she feels right at home and accepted in New York. She hopes to return to Italy to build a new community of likeminded people.

Watch episode one of “The Expats” below.

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