5 Top Essay Writing Exercises for Beginners

Writing an essay can be funny and exciting if you approach it in the right way. With tons of papers that tutors assign to you, it’s easy to lose motivation.

It’s not your fault. You are not alone. Thousands of students feel the same way when tutors ask them to write an essay after an essay after an essay.

Here’s great news for you! In this blog post, you’ll find 5 TOP extraordinary essay writing exercises that will definitely spark your creativity. Are you excited?

Here’s one more great news for you. Even if you don’t feel like completing your paper after doing these cool exercises, you can always ask essay writing service such as CustomWritings for professional assistance.

Now, let’s jump into these unusual exercises for more inspiration!

Exercise #1 – Spark Your Creativity with “What If” Short Stories

Everyone can write short stories. Do you know why? That’s because everyone has imagination. Here’s an example for you.

What if crocodiles could fly? Just think of some idea using “what if” and go with the flow. Use as many sentences as you want to keep a short story rolling.

That’s a very easy and effective way to get you in the mood of writing. Practice it every day and your imagination will work wonders for you.

Here are a few more examples to get you on the track:

    ● What if people could breathe under the water?

    ● What if we could travel in space and time?

    ● What if you could sing like Elvis Presley?

    ● What if you could read other people’s minds?

    ● What if you could do this exercise every day?

Just joking. However, to make it even more effective, you can practice this exercise together with your peers.

Exercise #2 – Use Note Cards to Memorize the Best Phrases to Use in Your Essays

While doing research, use note cards. Write down all the key ideas and phrases that you want to incorporate into your essay.

You can do the same while reading books or blog posts. If you find some really great phrase, write it down on our note cards.

In this way, you can pick cool words and phrases from other bloggers and authors. Just pay attention to the style and tone while doing this.

Essay writing usually is more formal. So, keep this in mind while doing this exercise.

Exercise #3 – Reading a Lot of Books in English

It doesn’t directly relate to writing activities. However, it does have a great impact on your writing skills. When you read your brain becomes more active and blood flow in your brain increases sufficiently.

There are many benefits that you can get from reading:

    ● you get more inspiration

    ● you enrich your vocabulary

    ● you learn something new

    ● you broaden your outlook

On top of that, kids who read more perform better in school. So, if you cultivate this great habit, you are sure to improve your academic performance as well.

The principle is very simple. The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you can apply in your own life.

Exercise #4 – Watch a Video on YouTube and Retell It in Your Own Words

Watch any video that is interesting for you on YouTube and then try to retell it in writing. This exercise is very powerful. It also helps you develop a good memory.

It can be challenging when you start but don’t stress out too much. If you can retell it after the first time of watching it, watch it again.

The more videos you do like this, the easier it will become for you to retell them. Make sure to pick really good videos for this kind of exercise. Ideally, they should be stories.

Exercise #5 – Studying Great Essay Samples

Once Pablo Picasso dropped this line that eventually turned into a quote: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

Don’t get it wrong though. We don’t encourage you to steal from others. You should always avoid plagiarism at all costs.

Just think of it a little bit deeper. This quote means that you need to study good examples of those who come before you. In this way, you’ll be able to find peculiarities of their style and how they express their ideas.

If to apply this concept into essay writing, you need to study great essay samples. You need to pay attention to how they are written, researched, structured. Pay attention to how the authors cite the works.

Look at how they convey their ideas into writing. Find a thesis statement. Analyze how they use arguments to back it up.

If you analyze 5-10 well-written essays in such a way, you’ll discover a lot of things that you can use in your own piece of writing.

Use samples as a source of inspiration.

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