6 Tips to Make the Buying of Adult Toys Easier

Are you getting ready for your first steps in the world of sex toys? If you’ve done a bit of research already, you may feel somewhat overwhelmed. With such a large plethora of opportunities, where do you get started?

Sex toys are becoming pretty standard today and many people are already experiencing the benefits of owning a couple. In fact, a recent survey suggests that 78 percent of women and 64 percent of men in the US own a dildo. If you want to join their ranks, the following suggestions will come in handy for your very first sex toy purchase.

What Are You Looking for?

Vibrators and dildos aren’t the only options out there. Toys that cater to niche sexual interests are also readily available. This is why you’ll first have to decide what you’re looking for in order to narrow things down.< Do you want to enhance your clitoral orgasms with a non-threatening bullet vibrator? Would you like to replicate the feeling of oral sex by getting a section toy? Or maybe you’re into anal play or you’d like to try out a prostate massage? Set out your goal in advance. This is the best way to limit the range of possibilities and move on to the next step.

Use the Power of the Web, if You Feel Shy

Internet isn’t just great for research purposes; you can find the best male enhancement pills or you can also buy a sex toy online. That’s a perfect choice for people who feel shy visiting an actual sex shop and stating their needs loud and clear.

Start by checking out different kinds of sex toys and reading reviews. Multiple bloggers have shared the details of their experiences and you can even come across YouTube reviews for the purpose of exploring a sex toy better.

Once you’ve identified the type and brand of sex toy that you’re interested in, you can move on to completing the process online. Let’s say you’re into black dildos. You see a nice selection of black dildos on Hotcherry. Once you assess the reputation of the store and you make sure the opportunity is legitimate, you can confidently move on to buying.

The Material Is One of the Most Important Sex Toy Characteristics

The material that sex toys are made of isn’t just important in terms of comfort and a good sensation. It will also determine the safety and the longevity of the product you’ve chosen.

It’s best to prioritize non-porous materials like medical-grade silicone and stainless steel. Non-porous sex toys are easier to clean and they don’t harbor bacteria. As a result, they’re very safe and long-lived, as long as you take proper care of them.

The material your sex toy of choice is crafted from will also determine what kinds of lube and cleaning supplies will be compatible.

Check Out the Toy in Real Life

If you aren’t 100 percent convinced, seeing the toy in real life would be the next step.

Understand the fact there’s nothing embarrassing about visiting a sex shop. Sex and self-love are normal parts of life. We’re all doing the deed so why not buy something to make the experience better?

When you visit a sex shop, you’ll get to see the dimensions and the functioning of the particular item you’re interested in. Do check out the settings and the intensities. Many stores have test toys you can touch and turn on to get a better idea about what these do.

This step is especially beneficial for first-time buyers who have whatsoever no idea what to expect. Going to a store for a “test drive” doesn’t mean you have to buy immediately. Use that opportunity to further your research and go through with the final step when you feel ready.

The world of sex toys evolves all the time. Apart from the classics, there will always be market newcomers. These toys are overhyped at first but some will not turn into evergreen choices.

Acquainting yourself with new options is a good idea, especially if you want something a bit more hi-tech (Bluetooth-enabled, made of innovative materials, mobile app controlled, etc.). Still, making a buying choice based on the hype alone isn’t the best way to find the one sex toy that will make you happy.

If you don’t have experience with sex toys, start with the basics. A dildo, a rabbit vibrator, a traditional butt plug rank among the staple choices that most sex toy lovers own. When you add these pieces to your collection and get used to them, you can move on to something a bit more unusual and innovative.

Offers That Seem Too Good to Be True Probably Are!

There are knock offs and poor quality products on the sex toy market, just like there are in any other niche.

To be safe and happy, you should do your best to spot shady offers and stay away from those.

If you’re being promised a specific branded product at a fraction of the actual price, you’re probably seeing a knock-off.

Low quality sex toys can jeopardize your health. There are budget-friendly options made by popular brands. Choose those instead of a more expensive toy. Also, keep in mind that spending more in advance will usually mean getting to enjoy your toy for a longer period of time.

Don’t rush through the process and consider multiple possibilities. Buying sex toys can be a lot of fun, once you zoom in on the items that are best matched to your needs. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, visit actual sex shops and do research. If you go through these steps, you’ll definitely ensure your complete satisfaction once the sex toy arrives.