Has your dog been acting a little strange lately? Like humans, animals may sometimes suffer from anxiety, which may be displayed in various unusual behaviors. In severe cases, anxiety can lead to distressed behavior in dogs, and should be brought to the attention of your local vet. Pet health insurance may be worth considering in these cases, as trusted providers like Bivvy will work with you and your pet to manage medical costs.
There are a variety of reasons for anxiety in dogs, but the most common ones are:
● Loud noises
● Abandonment
● Traveling
● Other pets
● Strange people and environments
Thankfully, like most other ailments that may beset your dog, anxiety can be treated or, at least, managed effectively. If your dog has been displaying any troubling behavioral symptoms, a visit to the veterinarian is often the first recommended step to take. This is an important first step that can help rule out any medical conditions that may cause these distress symptoms.
Signs Your Dog May Be Anxious
As already noted, anxiety can manifest itself in multiple ways. Still, because dogs can only express themselves through actions and body language, most of their anxiety symptoms may come off as misbehavior. Your canine companion may suddenly become restless, destructive, or aggressive, do a lot more panting and drooling, and display compulsive behavior like biting and excessive barking. These symptoms may often be displayed in your absence, particularly if separation is the cause of your dog’s anxiety. For a detailed guide on the symptoms of dog anxiety, visit ceebeedoo.com.
Whatever the source of your dog’s anxiety, if left unchecked or untreated, it could lead to behavioral issues and, ultimately, harm to itself or even to you.
Before paying a visit to the vet, however, some things can be done differently to help ease your dog’s anxiety.
Physical Contact
Like with kids, picking your dog up and petting or cuddling them for long sessions may help soothe them when they feel anxious. This is because dogs are social and tactile animals who mostly thrive on physical contact with their favorite people.
Massage therapy is one great way to alleviate muscle tension, often associated with anxiety. You might find this surprising, but dogs find massages just as relaxing as humans do.
Calm Environments
Isolating your pet in a calm environment can be super helpful in easing off their anxiety. This space could have features such as low lights, soft music, and comfort blankets to give them a sense of safety and security.
Music Therapy
Some shelters have recorded a reduction in dogs’ heart rates—a sign of relaxation—in rooms filled with music. Research shows that dogs may find reggae, soft rock, or classical music, particularly relaxing. Soft music also serves as a natural sedative for your dog, blocking off the scary noises that could be bothering or stressing them.
Predictable Routines
Dogs may experience anxiety from surprise activities being sprung on them. Predictable routines that help them anticipate the day’s activities, including time for food, walks and play, reduce this to the bare minimum.
Many dogs will struggle with anxiety at some point in their lifetime. When this happens, you will be called upon to help your beloved pet get through their anxiety and stress. With the right care, they will be back to their happy tail-wagging selves sooner than later.