A Season of Bloom. by Deborah Jack.

Deborah Jack, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Contemporary Photographers

Deborah Jack was born in Rotterdam, Holland to Afro-Carribean parents. Her latest photo series, “A Season of Bloom” follows a young girl as she travels around an island. The girl represents both the past and the present, in a sense she is a form of history. According to the artist in a recent interview with the Huffington Post:

“Some would say that, well, you are making this up, to which my reply is that most of history is a construct, anyway. History is a story. If this story is in the back of my mind I take the prerogative to say that this is a cultural/ancestral memory.”

“This young girl is both ancestor and descendant. Her journey begins inland, and she makes her way to shore only to return to the center. This is her impulse as a form of re/membering what was lost/forgotten.” Jack continues, “The young girl travels across visible and invisible boundaries until she comes to the shore. The shoreline literally represents the edges of the island, which represents the transitional space of departure and arrival. It is a season of bloom.”

Deborah Jack, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Contemporary Photographers

Deborah Jack, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Contemporary Photographers

Deborah Jack, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Contemporary Photographers

Deborah Jack, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Contemporary Photographers

Deborah Jack, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Contemporary Photographers
