Anita Hill to be Honored With Spendlove Prize in Social Justice.

Anita Hill

Twenty-Five years after she testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, alleging sexual harassment by Clarence, Anita Hill will be honored in October of this year at the University of California in Merced.

Hill, a University Professor of Law in the Heller Graduate School of Policy and Management at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, was chosen as the recipient of this year’s Alice and Clifford Spendlove Prize in Social Justice. She will be the tenth recipient of this award which was established by Sherrie Spendlove in honor of her parents.

“Anita Hill is a powerful role model for having the courage and the integrity to step up and speak the truth, for her calm dignity in holding to her truth in the face of vicious attacks and for her steadfastness in dedicating her life to teaching, mentoring, educating and enlightening young people in the tenets of social justice,” says Spendlove.