“Sundust” is a brand new collection featuring ten portraits of Sungoddesses by Toronto-based artist Sara K. Golish. The collection was unveiled at the Brockton Collective this past week, during the summer solstice.
This year, Sara Golish marks this celebration [the summer solstice] with her new series SUNDUST, a salute to the fertility of the sun goddess through ten portraits of women from the continent most touched by the sun’s embrace – Africa. Compelled by the lack of female personified sun deities, Golish aims to revise and re-examine the male dominated sun god through the recasting of the past in order to re-envision the future. Released on the eve of summer solstice, the ladies of SUNDUST represent and celebrate all that is light, powerful, and life-giving.

Portraits from “Sundust” are currently available for purchase. For more information visit Sara K. Golish’s Facebook page.