Chiara De Blasio, daughter of New York City mayor Bill De Blasio, recently announced a new text-only hotline for NYC teens struggling with depression. The program will be led by her mother, who was alongside Chiara as she delivered a short speech about the project yesterday.
Shortly before her father entered office, Chiara De Blasio opened up about her struggles with drug addiction and in a candid video posted to YouTube.
According to The Daily News, the 20-year-old college student’s speech was deeply emotional and personal.
“I cried all the time. My interactions with others made me hate myself. I always wanted to crawl into a hole and fall asleep forever,” said Chiara.
Eventually, she began using drugs and alcohol.
“At first, it was out of curiosity but then it became a way to relieve the pain. Substances soon became my primary coping mechanism,” she said.
Now in recovery, she said she has a simple message for young people struggling with similar issues.
“If you’re hurting, talk about it,” she said.
NYC Teen Text will be piloted at 10 schools around New York City. In order to use the services all teens have to do is text “NYC Teen” to 65173 to receive “prompt, confidential information and emotional support on issues ranging from feeling sad or hopeless, to depression,” according to a press release from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
NYC Teen Text will be available Monday through Friday from 2:30 to 9 p.m., and on weekends from 1 to 9 p.m.
Crisis Text, a nationwide program which likely inspired program can also be accessed texting 741741. The program is available 24 hours a day.