(Heather Kennedy / Getty Images Entertainment)
Last week, Dear White People actress Teyonah Parris tweeted about a random old white man who decided to check out her tresses without permission. Now it looks like filmmaker Ava DuVernay had a similar experience while waiting for a train over the weekend, and the police got involved.
Missed train dealing w/ a man who touched my hair + when I asked what in all the hells he thought he was doing replied "Is this racial?"
— Ava DuVernay (@AVAETC) June 13, 2015
Other women came over. Guy is screaming at all of us. Station police involved. It was a whole thing. As I see my train blink off the board.
— Ava DuVernay (@AVAETC) June 13, 2015
Now he's having charges pressed by another lady for harassment. Moral: DON'T TOUCH anyone uninvited. ESPECIALLY not this black woman's hair.
— Ava DuVernay (@AVAETC) June 13, 2015
Gosh. Thanx for all the good wishes. I'm more than fine. Way, way worse is happening in the world. I'm just pissed about this train! Dammit!
— Ava DuVernay (@AVAETC) June 13, 2015