Did You Know That Plus-Size Models Wear Padding to Fill Out Their Clothing?

Kristiina Wilson, Britnee Blaire

In my experience working in the fashion industry, plus models tend to have more of a range of sizes and shapes that “straight” size models, though straight models definitely aren’t a monolith either when it comes to sizes and body shapes. While even industry outsiders have knowledge of the open secret that clothing is often pinned, clipped, or altered on thinner models, many aren’t aware of the bag of tricks that plus models often tote around in order to properly fill out the clothing they are modeling. In this series for Refinery 29, shot by Kristiina Wilson, models reveal what they’re also wearing when they are full dressed, and they also talk about dealing with body image as a plus-size model. Britnee Blaire, one of the models featured in the series, points that plus-size models can also promote unhealthy ideals,

There’s always some form of padding used — it’s like you’re sculpting your body. Is it realistic? It depends. If you look at it as artistic, then I can respect it. But, as an ideal for women? It’s unhealthy, because not a lot of women are going to look like that.

Then, sometimes I think people want something unreachable… I think we still have a long way to go. But, as it stands, I’m very proud to be a part of the full-figured community of women who embrace their curves and set a good example for younger women. And, even though you have to do padding and it’s unrealistic at times, it’s a happy medium. Baby steps.

Kristiina Wilson, Sabrina Karlsson


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