Written and produced by Paula Kweskin and presented by Ayan Hirsi Ali, “Honor Diaries” is the product of a joint collaboration by 30 womens’ rights organizations. The documentary features the nine womens’ rights advocates with connections to communities that are predominately Muslim. One of the advocates is Jaha Dukurek, a young Muslim woman who is originally from Gambia. Dukurek is also a survivor of Female Genital Mutilation or FGM, which is practiced in over 20 countries as well as countries with large Muslim immigrant communities such as the United Kingdom and The United States.
One goal of the film’s creators is to have it translated in different languages and shown to Muslim communities all over the world. The film has already been translated into Arabic, Farsi and Urdu and hopefully more languages to come.
For screening information or to download the film on iTunes, head to the “Honor Diaries” website.