The heartbreaking news that no one will be indicting in the death of Sandra Bland comes as little surprise to her family.
Bland, a 28-year old woman from Chicago, drove to Texas in July of this year to start a new job at her alma mater, Texas A&M. She was arrested after being stopped for a traffic violation. She died days later, in police custody, under mysterious circumstances, from an apparent suicide.
Her unlawful arrest, and subsequent death caused national outcry, with many demanding to know what exactly happened to Sandra Bland.
On Monday, a grand decided not to indict anyone in Bland’s death. The jury examined the conduct of the staff at the Waller County Jail where Bland was held, as well as that of Brian Encinia, the arresting officer.
Bland’s family, who have maintained that they do not believe that Sandra Bland committed, are not surprised by the decision not to indict.
According to Cannon Lambert, a lawyer for the Bland family, they learned about he decision via news media.
“We are unfortunately disappointed by the fact that our suspicions regarding this sham of a process have come to fruition,” said Mr. Lambert, who is based in Chicago.
“We would like very much to know what in the heck they’re doing, who they’re targeting and if it has anything to do with Sandy and her circumstances,” Mr. Lambert said.
Darrell Jordan, the special prosecutor said that the case is “still open” and that jury will be reconvening next month to dicuss other aspects.
“It’s all in the way you phrase it,” said Mr. Jordan, one of five special prosecutors in the case. “The case is not over. That’s what I’m stressing right now. The case is not over.”