Ground Control. Images of Africa From Space.

Images of Africa From Space, European Space Agency

I recently came across these images on the European Space Agency’s (ESA) website. The agency has a really interesting collection of satellite images of the entire world. Some of which really struck me by how much they looked like abstract paintings. Like you could literally almost “feel” the brushstrokes in the some of the images of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.

Images of Uganda from Space, European Space Agency, Africa From Space
(Lakes and Mountains of Western Uganda)

Images of Botswana from Space, European Space Agency, Images of Africa from Space
(Okavango Delta in Northern Botswana)

Images of Africa From Space, European Space Agency
(The Okavango River, Northern Nambia, Southern Angola)

Images of Guinea From Space, Images of Africa From Space, European Space Agency
(Gulf of Guinea)

Images of Africa From Space, European Space Agency
(Lake Malawi, Great Rift Valley)

Cape Verde From Space, Images of Africa From Space, European Space Agency
(Cape Verde Archipelago)

Namib Desert, European Space Agency
(The Namib Desert)
Congo River From Space, Images of Africa From Space, European Space Agency
(Congo River, Africa)