Higher Risks of Substance Abuse Among LGBTQ+: Reasons, Treatment, and Rehab Centers

Unfortunately, even in the 21st century, some minorities usually face discrimination, stereotyped attitude, and other challenges from people who identify themselves as heterosexual. They also are subjected to a higher risk of violent behavior and harassment. The consequences of these and other disagreeables are that LGBTQ people have high chances to get a bunch of behavioral health issues.

Only recently, there were some surveys on sexual orientation and gender identification held. As a result, it was stated officially that sexual minorities are at higher risks of substance abuse and subsequent disorders if to compare with people who identify as heterosexual.

So the LGBTQ community often experiences disparities which originate from social stigma and discriminatory treatment. Homophobia is seen in extreme and hostile behavior like discrimination and violence from sexual orientations that are non-heterosexual. Negative attitudes towards this community can cause stress which can lead to taking drugs. Currently, the LGBTQ community is among the most vulnerable at drug abuse. And even after this, homosexual people sometimes do not know how to get lgbt substance abuse treatment. That is why specialized gay rehabs were created: to fit the need of everyone.

Why is homophobia dangerous?

Being the part of LGBTQ community assumes some dangerous actions from homophobic people. They can be homophobic in many different ways. Homophobia may be expressed in forms of insults, discrimination, and even include violence. Such mistreat motivated purely because of someone having a different sexual orientation. Such abuse is born out of fear, ignorance, and very often, immaturity. Though homophobia is not always apparent, many homophobic people argue that their attitude is grounded based on generally accepted norms, morality. Most violent and active opponents of same-sex sexual relations believe that their behavior is not homophobic.

The numbers of addicts are increasing

Crystal Meth is becoming increasingly popular among homosexuals. According to the addiction therapist Andreas von Hillner, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of men looking for help with the drug. Hillner and other experts are worried about the trend to date sex parties with Crystal Meth as the ultimate kick. In the so-called chem sessions, there is a high risk of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, or even HIV in the uninhibited atmosphere.

This happens because gay and bisexual men abuse alcohol and illegal drugs, (especially meth, amyl nitrates, and other drugs to help with erectile dysfunction (which happens when a man cannot keep an erection), also contribute to a higher chance of getting HIV and other STDs. Individuals taking drugs or drinking alcohol are at the group of the high risk of getting HIV or giving it to others by being involved in riskier sexual practices and behaviors or through sharing needles or other injection equipment.

Pros of special LGBT drug rehab: the most friendly environment

The abovementioned attitude from heterosexual people, especially if these are close friends or relatives may cause a strong desire to take drugs. Traditional rehabilitation centers may not be the best option for effective treatment of such a vulnerable group as an LGBTQ community. There are many reasons to give advantage to specialized LGBT rehab. Firstly, the staff may treat patients obliquely, because they do not share their worldview and even worse – are homophobic. They also may not understand all the emotional needs or any differences between transgender people and homosexuals. There are big chances that tutors and doctors at traditional rehabs may show their homophobic views or be prejudice towards members of the LGBTQ community, slowing down the efficiency of treatment.

But the only joy here is that Gay-friendly rehabilitation centers exist. They can provide a safe and not biased environment where no one will ever judge you for whoever you are. Such rehabs adhere to rehabilitation which is not focused on sexual orientation as a core of the problem, but homophobia instead. So such rehabs hire people who have passed a particular course aimed to find such traits as compassion, understanding, and ability to resolve problems related to the LGBTQ community. If you worry that gay rehab centers are worse than traditional facilities, be pleased to find out that LGBTQ rehab centers offer no less number of services than conventional. There are also included detox, different kinds of therapies, and of course, aftercare. So homosexual people may expect to be given help with acceptance of sexual orientation or gender identity. After coming out, they are taught how to handle peer pressure and deal with discriminatory behavior in the workplace.

Such rehabs believe that honest and open atmosphere about gender identity and sexuality, and acceptance in a judgment-free environment are all helpful for gays and lesbians. Bisexuals, transgender people, and queers will get needed support which they like: either individual therapy or group sessions with other patients with alike worldview, problems and thoughts.

LGBTQ Rehabilitation centers

There are many of LGBT rehab facilities which have a specialization in drug recovery for homosexual people. Top 5 are:

    ● Monarch Shores in San Juan Capistrano, California

    ● Foundations Recovery in San Francisco, California

    ● Starlite Recovery Center in Center Point, Texas

    ● Dynamic Recovery Center in Oakland Park, Florida

    ●The Realization Center in Brooklyn, New York

It is crucial for everyone to have an ability to build healthy relationships with family and friends – not only build but also maintain and develop. Unfortunately, there are still many individuals who are deprived of this though they are no different from other people. Sometimes due to the instant depression and anxiety of not being understood. Sometimes due to such emotions as guilt and shame. Understanding addiction problems of the LGBTQ community means not to change your own views, but to be sympathetic and ready to help. Recognize Addiction is really difficult, but for some of us, it also reveals problems of self-acceptance. A lack of it is very spread among homosexual people and may cause instant psychological stress. Think twice before choosing a treatment and better give advantage to LGBT addiction recovery program.