Member of ANOMOLIES Calls Out Shia LaBeouf For Stealing His ‘Freestyle.’

Shia LaBeouf ANOMOLIES Pri The Honeydark

I generally don’t pay attention to anything Shia LaBeouf is up to nowadays, so when his supposed freestyle skills went viral and appeared on my various timelines multiple times over, I just kept scrolling. Unfortunately, as WatchLoud points out, it turns out that LaBeouf shouldn’t quit his day job, whatever that is at this point.

His lyrics were lift from all-female rap crew ANOMOLIES. One of the crew’s members, Pri the Honeydark, called him out on her Instagram page.

Shia Lebouf straight stole bars from the song “Perfectionist”, written, recorded and performed by my ANOMOLIES crew members @invincibledet and @helixxwashere in 1999! Over a DECADE ago! We are battle MCs! Step into the arena! This is straight disrespect to lyricism. #shialabeouf #DopeRhymeTaker #MCsActLikeTheyDontKnow #RappersAreInDanger #HipHop101 #Emcee #MC #Lyricist #HipHop #SpiderMan #YourFreestyleAintFree #MySpidySensesAreTingling #WeBattleMCs #anomoliesrepresentitive

We’ll spare you LaBeouf’s version, but check out the original, in case you weren’t familiar with it.

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