Nefertiti Escapes! With a Little Help From Artist Whitney Sparks.

Whitney Sparks, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Female visual artists

Whitney Sparks is a nomadic assemblage artist who currently lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland. Her unique works have been displayed all over the world. Her upcoming project “Nefertiti Escapes” follows the Egyptian queen and icon of black consciousness on her great escape.

Whitney Sparks, Nefertiti Escapes

According to the artist herself:

“In Nefertiti Escapes!, “The beautiful one” (as her name means) sets off on an odyssey from her long-time digs in Berlin to head home to Egypt. Along the way, through twists and turns, she embarks on an irreverent romp across alluring places of history and mythology – all to discover a bit of our world!

I created this story and all of its illustrations from my own personal library of books, tall tales told, museum visits, catalogues & pamphlets, family photographs, encyclopedias, magazines, fond memories, and the overwhelming collection of travel treasures I have gathered over my nomadic years…!”

Support Nefertiti Escapes! on Kickstarter.

Here are more works from Whitney Sparks:

Whitney Sparks, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Female visual artists

Whitney Sparks, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Female visual artists

Whitney Sparks, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Female visual artists

Whitney Sparks, Black Contemporary Artists, Black Female visual artists

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