Nigerian Bride Goes Makeup-Free For Her Wedding Day.

Makeup Free Wedding

While celebs share makeup-free, #nofilter selfies on Instagram and Alicia Keys has been hitting many a red carpet completely barefaced, one bride decided to pass on makeup for her big day.

Last week this the above image of Bisola Umoren, a bride from Lagos, Nigeria, was shared on Twitter with the caption “She refused to wear make ups on her wedding day…Adwoa Mansa, can you do this? I dare you.” The image was quickly shared over 1200 times.

Umoren tells Naij that she’s simply not a “makeup person.”

“When my husband first met me, I had not had my bath, but he saw and fell in love with my natural look,” says Umoren. “My hair was due, my face looked way older, I was even tying nylon on my hair when he came to me on that fateful morning, yet he loved what he saw. So, who am I supposed to be making all that up for on my wedding day?”

“Secondly, For a good start, I’m not the make-up type. I don’t even wear ear-rings or like to drop my hair. I don’t like any form of inconvenience or discomfort on my face, my neck and entire body. It is not a church thing, it is just me and my personal decision.”

Of course, being able to go makeup free at a big event is a privilege for many. But Umoren definitely rocked it. Would you go makeup free for a wedding or other big event?

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