If you want to improve your athletic performance, there are many supplements that you can take. In this article, I’ll go over a few common ones, such as Caffeine, Exogenous ketone supplements, BCAAs, and Vitamin C. Depending on your goals and level of activity, you can also take other supplements that will enhance your overall athletic performance. The following list contains the best supplements to increase athletic performance.


There is some evidence to support the use of caffeine supplements to improve athletic performance. Caffeine, a natural stimulant, may help the body burn fat as a primary fuel source, sparing glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscles. By preventing muscle glycogen from depletion, caffeine and kratom powder variety pack supplements may help athletes perform harder, longer, and faster. They may also be able to perform more reps before reaching the point of fatigue.

Exogenous ketones

The use of exogenous ketone supplementation in the athletic field may increase endurance performance and enhance recovery. But there are concerns about exogenous ketone use, including side effects, and this supplement may not be right for everyone. If you are a newbie to the sport, you won’t see any significant benefits from taking exogenous ketones. This supplement is designed for experienced athletes and may not be right for you.


One common question that people often have is whether BCAAs can increase athletic performance. In this article, we will review the pros and cons of taking BCAAs during exercise and discuss the role of these amino acids in the body. Specifically, BCAAs are used in the body for energy, building muscle protein and regulating blood sugar levels. The study also examined the effect of BCAAs on fatigue during exercise. Ultimately, it is unclear if BCAAs can help improve athletic performance, but the effects of these amino acids are worth pursuing.

Vitamin C

Some sports people swear by taking vitamin C supplements to enhance their athletic performance. These supplements help boost their immune system and stimulate T-lymphocytes, white blood cells that fight off viruses. The immune system is compromised after vigorous exercise, and vitamin C supplements can help strengthen it. The benefits of vitamin C for athletes are numerous. However, it is important to know that these claims are not backed by scientific studies or controlled clinical trials.

Protein powders

For endurance athletes, protein powders can increase their stamina and help them maintain a higher performance level. But not all protein powders are created equal. Some contain unnecessary fillers, while others are not suitable for endurance athletes. If you are planning to buy a protein powder for boosting athletic performance, make sure to read these recommendations. These tips will help you choose the best powders that do not contain unnecessary fillers.


While it is true that a high calcium intake can improve athletic performance, there are some risks associated with supplementing with the mineral. Inadequate intake can affect bone density and growth, and excessive consumption can result in kidney stones and decreased absorption of other minerals. To avoid these risks, it is best to consume plenty of food that contains calcium. Calcium is found naturally in milk, cheese, and yogurt, as well as in other dairy products.

Exogenous steroid hormones

Increasing the level of testosterone and AAS in an athlete’s system is a way to maximize athletic performance through their anabolic effects. Taking synthetic steroid hormones to increase athletic performance has become more common in recent years as the development of new ‘designer steroids’ continues to accelerate. Despite this fact, athletes continue to use performance enhancing substances to improve their athletic performance.