Top 4 Technology-Based Treatments Changing The Beauty Industry

Contrary to popular belief, the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” isn’t always 100% relevant. After all, looking your best can translate to feeling your best on many occasions. Being presentable also has a significant impact on the setting you’re in, or the profession you have. Whether you’re a professional, a part of the academe, or are in a casual gathering, there’s nothing to lose when you take the extra effort to be presentable.

And it’s for this purpose that the beauty and cosmetic industry exist.

An average beauty regimen takes 40 minutes with about 27 steps—but who has time for that every single day? While it’s worth being consistent with your routine, it can take up so much time in your daily life that could’ve been allotted for more productive work. Thankfully, technological advancements offer all types of beauty and cosmetic solutions.

Tech in the Eyes of Beauty and Glamor

In the past, cosmetic treatments and surgery typically require going under the knife, which is often costly and inaccessible to most people. But today, beauty procedures are getting more accessible, less expensive, and non-invasive like the diy microbladed eyebrow look.

We’ve seen countless applications of technology in different fields, from healthcare to construction. In this article, we’ll explore numerous technology-based treatments in the beauty industry and how they’re helping people improve their quality of life.

1. Laser Hair Removal

Body hair plays many functions: temperature regulation, sensory organs, perspiration management, and protection. However, they can also get in the way of your lifestyle, comfort, and personal hygiene, especially if not maintained properly.

There are numerous hair removal options with varying costs and results. Traditional methods like shaving and plucking aren’t effective in removing hair for long periods and can leave an unpleasant texture on the skin. If you have low pain tolerance, waxing isn’t the best option either. Meanwhile, depilatory creams have a strong chemical odor and may cause skin allergies.

For a pain-free and convenient hair removal experience, laser hair removal is worth a try. In this procedure, a laser device emits laser beams that heat up and damage your hair follicles to disable hair production.
Since laser hair removal targets the follicles that produce your hair, they slow down hair regrowth compared to conventional methods. To get the most from your light therapy sessions, choose laser hair removal experts like A&E Hair Removal.

2. IPL Treatment

Hair follicles sit right above your epidermis and dermis. In one way or another, these skin layers will be affected by laser hair removal, but there’s a specific tech-based treatment that focuses on the skin only: intense pulse light (IPL) therapy.

While both treatments involve laser beam emissions, IPL produces light with wavelengths that differ from laser treatments, as the latter only uses one wavelength. These light beams can penetrate the dermis, the second layer of skin, without harming the top layer or the epidermis.

Essentially, the cells that produce the pigment on your skin will absorb the light energy from the laser. Then, the heat will destroy unwanted pigment surrounding the targeted area. This laser treatment works best in light skin colors with dark hair.

IPL therapy can be used to reduce or eliminate a variety of skin issues, such as age spots, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, birthmarks, freckles, rosacea, varicose veins, and unwanted hair.

3. Dermaplaning and Microneedling

Gone are the days when complex and invasive procedures leave highly noticeable results. If you’re suffering from dull and textured skin or some fine lines and wrinkles, dermaplaning and microneedling is an excellent skin treatment combination to transform your skin.

Dermaplaning involves the use of an exfoliating blade to scrape off the uppermost dead layers of your skin and facial “peach fuzz.” It’s a safe and friendly cosmetic procedure that doesn’t need any recovery time, and neither does it induce side effects as long as it’s conducted by a certified dermatologist.

As dermaplaning exfoliates your dead skin, products and treatment can penetrate deeper and more effectively into it. After your dermaplaning session, you can follow it up with microneedling. As its name implies, microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, involves puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles.

Upon creating microtears, your skin will encourage collagen production to compensate for the injury created on your skin, resulting in plump, smoother, and softer skin. If you’re interested in this procedure, it’s ideal not to resort to cheaper options such as using a dermaroller at home. Microneedling works safer if done with a pen-like tool handled by a professional.

4. Permanent Makeup

Every makeup enthusiast knows the struggle of spending a lot of time doing their makeup only to find it smudged before the day ends. Permanent makeup treatments will help you achieve subtle makeup looks without consuming cosmetic products, as the makeup is permanently or semi-permanently applied on your face.

Check out the table below for the most common permanent makeup treatments:

Microblading Lip Blushing Permanent Eyeliner
Part of face involved     Eyebrows Lips Eyelids
How does it work? Using minute blades, the technician will draw hairlike strokes on the dermis to create incisions while depositing pigment. This procedure is comparable to microblading, but lip blushing deposits pigment mimicking your natural lip shade. The same technology is applied in permanent eyeliner by depositing pigments into the upper or lower lash lines, depending on what suits your eyes. This treatment gives you fuller lashes.
Who is it for? People who regularly fill in their eyebrows. People suffering from alopecia or undergoing chemotherapy will benefit significantly from this treatment as well. If you want to achieve a natural, blurred-lip look, lip blushing is perfect for you. Individuals who can’t leave their homes without eye definition and have trouble taking them off at night.
Who isn’t it for? Not suited for oily-skinned people, as details may not look fine and natural. The pigment also fades faster due to increased oil and sebum production. Individuals with low pain tolerance may find the procedure difficult. There aren’t many limitations regarding permanent eyeliner, but it does induce a considerable amount of pain during treatment. Take note to replace your eye products after the procedure to avoid transferring bacteria onto the tattooed area.
Procedure costs USD$600 to USD$1,000 USD$500 to USD$1,500 USD$475
How long does it last? 18 to 30 months 2 to 5 years About 18 months


Technology-based, efficient, convenient, and non-invasive beauty treatments are a breath of fresh air in the beauty landscape, giving people a chance to look beautiful and feel comfortable with themselves.

Regardless of the results you’ll get from these treatments, always keep in mind to seek professional guidance that specializes in your chosen beauty treatments. Often, cheap beauty treatments are even more expensive in the long run.

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