What To Do When You Don’t Like Working Out

You want to get into shape, probably have wanted to for the longest time, but somehow, you never get to it. You’ve gone as far as signing up for a gym membership- even bought all the requisite gear. But you never find the time to make it for any of your scheduled weekly sessions.

And even on the days you actually have the time, you’re too exhausted to countenance spending two hours lifting weights. Or you generally may not be in love with the idea of being holed up in a fitness center wincing through the same routines day in, day out. You may also not be thrilled by the idea of running around busy streets in the name of burning body fat.

Is there any hope for you to achieve your desired body weight or fitness level if the idea of working out makes your eyes glaze over? Here are some tips you can try.

Try Seven-Minute Exercises

How about you recruit Alexa to your fitness quest? That smart speaker can be useful for much more than fulfilling your entertainment needs. If you ask her, she can put together a seven-minute high-intensity workout that you can easily fit into your busy schedule, especially if you’re working from home.

Even if you’re not telecommuting, you can spare a few minutes before you leave the house or when you return for this workout. The fact that you’re working towards your fitness goals without the expense of gym memberships should be motivation enough. You also won’t be required to include a detour to the gym in your daily commute.

If you don’t own an Alexa speaker, you can resort to YouTube for your seven-minute workouts. There is no shortage of online instructors to guide and cheer you on as you bounce around your fitness mat. If you get bored with one kind of workout you can always search for a different instructor or look for a longer, more intense routine.

Take It Outdoors

If you’re one of those who find gyms suffocating or are wary of the risk of contracting COVID-19, you can opt for an outdoor workout. Again, here the options are boundless- you don’t have to be a recreational running enthusiast. You can find a serene spot at your local park where you can do your 7, 15, or 30-minute high-intensity circuit. You could also take your yoga workout outside.

Jogging or brisk walking around the park is a pastime many Americans indulge in every day. And who can blame them? The fresh air, the beauty of nature, and other human beings make this a desirable way to burn those dastardly calories.

As you run or bike your way to fitness, you will want to invest in the right gear to keep you well protected against the elements, especially when the weather approaches its extremes. Tights and a layer or two of breathable fabrics are recommended if you intend to continue your outdoor activities during winter.

Carry sports sunglasses to keep your eyes protected against the glare from the snow. These glasses will also keep stray bugs or particles from flying into your eyes while you’re cycling. Having the right type of shoe for the activity at hand is just as crucial. A good pair of running shoes will prevent blisters and protect your joints from impact.

Eat Healthy

We are what we eat, a wise man once said and he couldn’t have been more right. It is those excess calories that you take in and don’t burn that are converted into those layers of flab you’re trying to get rid of. A diet that helps you control your carb intake will see you shed quite a bit of weight even if you don’t pair it with a fitness regime.

Another way to improve your wellbeing is by giving up processed foods for natural, whole foods. Trade the confectionary and saturated fat-laden fast food for celery, broccoli, and carrots. If you have a propensity to snack between meals, stock up on wholesome snacks rich in nutrients- nuts and fruits are a good substitute for donuts and fizz drinks.

These foods not only boost your immunity and ease your digestive processes, but they will also give you the energy to power through the physical activity that will get you in shape.

Chores Can Be A Workout

Instead of dedicating an hour or two to the gym, why not get home early and attack your chores with the same zest? Moping your home can help you burn a good many calories while leaving your abode spick and span. To increase your burn rate, tell Alexa to play your high-tempo playlist so that you dance through your chores.

Many Ways To Skin A Cat

These are just a few of many other ways you can skin the fitness cat without having to endure loathsome workouts. All you need to do is set your goals and be consistent in however much or little you do. The results will surprise you.

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