Jessica Williams Features in Wired. Proclaims She Wants to Be the Next Oprah.

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams features in the latest issue of Wired, in a series of quirky, bright, bold images shot by Peter Hapak. The funny lady and Daily Show correspondent also revealed her plans to model herself after media mogul Oprah.

Thankfully I already have a mogul I can pattern myself after: Oprah. We’re a lot alike. I’m black, I love to relate things people talk about to myself, and people think my best friend and I are lesbians! My strength is that I’m more relatable. Maybe I’m missing a shirt button, maybe I have a food stain on my pants. People would grow to find that endearing. (Take that, Mom! I don’t need to “clean myself up” to keep a job!)

Another thing that I can learn from Oprah: She always puts herself on the cover of her magazine. Oprah picking vegetables, Oprah reading at the beach. I’m going to do that, but in every post. It’ll be right up at the top. Let’s not forget who’s running this piece, who brought you here.

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

Jessica Williams Peter Hapak Wired Magazine

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