Starring Model/Actress/Muse Jodie Smith, “SOMEBODY in NOBODY” is the first installment of Cameroonian born filmmaker Lino Brown‘s HEADLESS ƧERIES SHORTS. The series is all about documenting the diverse experiences of the modern woman. According to Brown,

“SOMEBODY in NOBODY” is the first of 3 in my HEADLESS ƧERIES SHORTS & a step forward from my past projects; i have spend the past couple months in close conversation with 36 and counting women from different backgrounds and experiences, discussing primal issues women are facing today.
I could never fully comprehend these issues better than them, but I grew up with 3 sisters and now I have 4 nieces; Tracy, Donnella, Amira and April. They’re growing fast with big curiosities about our world, So all of that had me wondering about a few things, mainly our society, a society in {my perspective} built on old ideas of human spirit and domestication which has now led to a very wrong social perception.
I’m no advocate for a specific cause and I don’t believe that plays an imperative part on my endeavors, with this project, as my only goal is to invoke a conversation collectively to ourselves, to each other and to our society as a whole.
SOMEBODY in NOBODY TRAILER from lino brown on Vimeo.