Short Film. Strolling. Black Mental Health. Education. by Cecile Emeke.

Cecile Emeke Strolling, Black Female Directors

In this latest, short, poetic video, director and artist Cecile Emeke goes on a walk with Shane, a young, black, British economics student. The result is a lucid, stream-of-conciousness about isolation, education, class, and the social expectations placed on young blacks.

At one point Shane makes the observation of how the manner in which blacks were treated historically in the west has an effect on how we interact with each other today.

According to a report by the American office of minority health, young African-Americans, especially those with higher levels of education, are less likely to seek out mental health services.

strolling | black mental health, nepotism, tottenham, dreams, colourism, being the only black kid & more from Cecile Emeke on Vimeo.

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