The Yarn Mission Uses Knitting to Fight Oppression and Support Marginalized Groups.

The yarn Mission St. Louis

Founded by CheyOnna Sewell, a PhD student in criminology, The Yarn Mission, is a group that “puts knitting in the battle against racism, sexism, & other systems of oppression. “

The group, which is mostly made up of women from the the St. Louis area, meets every other Sunday to knit and chat in surrounding parks and coffeehouses.

“People consistently underestimate the power of knitting,” Sewell tells The Guardian. “They don’t recognize its radical properties. They’re always surprised when they talk to us about what why we’re knitting, like, ‘Is she talking about racism right now? Did she really just say ‘police brutality?’”

The group, which is open to all, also outlines their intentions on their website,

The Yarn Mission exists within a larger struggle. This is a struggle for life and liberty for black folks. This struggle is inclusive of ALL contained within these marginalized groups, because we know that not all people in marginalized groups are marginalized equally.

The Yarn Mission also has plans to expand, with a branch in Minneapolis. To keep up with the group, and to keep tabs on their upcoming online shop, follow The Yarn Mission on Facebook.