In the latest installment of Black in America , Soledad O’Brien tackles the issues surrounding police brutality in the United States. This program is crucial as much of America, Black America specifically eagerly awaits a grand jury decision on whether Officer Darren Wilson, the man responsible for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown, will be charged with murder. The special will be airing again on Sunday November 23rd at 7pm Eastern Time. For additional airtimes check CNN’s programming schedule.
In the latest installment of Black in America , Soledad O’Brien tackles the issues surrounding police brutality in the United States. This program is crucial as much of America, Black America specifically eagerly awaits a grand jury decision on whether Officer Darren Wilson, the man responsible for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown, will be charged with murder. The special will be airing again on Sunday November 23rd at 7pm Eastern Time. For additional airtimes check CNN’s programming schedule.