Alaskan Reporter Who Quit Her Job on Live Television is Pretty Darn Happy About Weed Legalization in Her State.

Charlo Green

You might remember Charlo Greene, the Alaskan newscaster who delivered the “Fuck it, I quit,” heard ’round the world. In the viral clip, Greene outed herself as the owner of Alaska’s only cannabis club. She also vowed to continue lobbying for the legalization of marijuana in the state of Alaska.

It looks like all of of Greene’s hard work has paid off. According to the Alaska Dispatch News,

On Tuesday, voters approved Ballot Measure 2, an initiative legalizing recreational marijuana in Alaska, by about 52 percent in favor to 48 percent opposed, with 100 percent of the state’s precincts reporting.

Here’s video of a much happier Charlo Green reacting to the news.

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